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Licence Inspections

It is very surprising to find out that many operators fail to conduct even the most basic of in-house licensing inspections. The licensees should be regularly checking, reviewing and updating their venue policies. Conducting these checks can help to avoid costly fines or even prosecution.

Here are a few of the usual checks an enforcing authority are likely to look at during an inspection.

Your in-house inspections do not need to be extremely thorough or even well documented, a simple form with each element that needs to be checked, a comment section and a place for the manager to sign and date it to prove the inspection has been completed.

This list is by not exhaustive and can be amended to include particular issues for each specific licensed premises.

NDML provide a Risk Management service, with a carefully selected team of advisors who have hands-on experience in the Leisure and Hospitality market and the Health and Safety issues relating to that sector.

Our Risk Management Service provides an extensive menu of Health and Safety, Employment Law and HR services which will support you in running of your club. They include:-

For more information on our services call us on 0344 488 9205 or fill in our contact form and we will get back to you.

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