What to do if you are contacted by a solicitor

What to do if a solicitor contacts you

If a claimant’s solicitor contacts you directly, do not discuss the claim at any time and do not admit liability. Identify as much information as possible in relation to the circumstances of the incident and then contact us.

What you can say to a solicitor

You can provide the claimant’s solicitor with our company details as your broker. You can also advise them of your policy number. Contact us and explain the relevant details, especially if the matter has not previously been notified or this is an incident you were not previously aware of.

Then, depending on the circumstances of the claim, you should then send us the following:

  • Completed incident notification form.
  • Photographs of the accident location.
  • Risk assessment documentation for the task/ activity being carried out.
  • Training records/coaches qualifications (if relevant).
  • CCTV footage (if available).
  • Witness statements (if available).
  • RIDDOR form (if applicable).
  • ADIPS Certificate (if applicable).

Reforms from Ministry of Justice

Reforms from last year have changed the way personal injury claims work, making them faster and cutting down the cost for the business owner.

All injury claims under £25,000 are handled electronically via a web based system known as the ‘Claims Portal’. In this instance the solicitor of the claimant will send a CNF (Claims Notification Form) to us or by post to you.

You only have one working day to acknowledge the CNF has been received and you must inform your insurer at this time by email. Failure to act within this timeslot can result in the claim dropping out of the portal and costs increasing for all parties.

Comprehensive insurance

Getting the right policy for your business is vital, so a personalised policy tailored to your specific needs is always the best option.

We provide bespoke insurance coverage for all manner of nightclub, bars, casinos and late night venues, to get in touch via phone call us on 0344 488 9205 or use our contact form.

