entertainment venue Insurance

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Business and leisure insurance for live entertainment venues

Award-winning venue insurance for music venues, stadiums, concert halls or any other nightlife and leisure venue. All right here.

At NDML, we offer a free quote and visitation to all nightlife and leisure insurance clients. Our mission is to protect the nightlife industry and to keep the live music playing. Our specialist venue insurance policies will ensure you remain fully covered for any eventuality.

Understanding the risks for live venues

Music legends like Elton John and stage greats such as Ian McKellen have cut their teeth in our venues. Live entertainment venues are vital to our culture and economy not just in the UK, but across the globe. But that doesn’t mean they’re risk-free or safe from the unexpected.

Rising business rates, new legislation and economic changes have led to many iconic entertainment venues experiencing difficulties. Substantial claims can be hugely detrimental to a music venue’s growth and rebuild. That’s where entertainment venue insurance by NDML comes in.

Why work with NDML, the late night leisure insurance specialist?

NDML understands your industry; we care about it, we want to protect it.

We’ll work with you to tailor a policy that covers you for your level of risk. Every venue is different and so every venue’s policy will cost a different amount. Basic one-size-fits-all policies simply won’t offer you the protection required. At NDML, our experts will work with you to tailor the ideal insurance policy.

Whether you’re a large stadium or a small grassroots music venue, we can find the perfect policy to protect your venue.

Why is entertainment venue insurance important?

Entertainment Venue Insurance is often the only thing between you and huge financial losses.

You’ll need to protect your business against claims made by members of the public or your employees, any damage to your building and belongings or other factors that may lead to business interruption. Your policy will provide a peace of mind that, should the unexpected happen, you’re covered financially.

Get in touch with our team to find out the policies you need to protect your venue.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an entertainment venue?

Public entertainment venues are premises within which the primary business or activity is the exhibition of entertainment to members of the public who are physically situated at the venue. Cinemas, music venues, stadiums or concert halls can all be included as entertainment venues as well as many others.

What is entertainment venue insurance?

Entertainment venue insurance includes employers’ liability insurance, public liability cover as well as buildings and contents insurance. Owners should be aware that there are many other risks which will need covering, such as business interruption and cyber insurance. NDML will provide tailored comprehensive insurance which will cover against any eventuality. Our commercial combined insurance cover rolls all the necessary policies into one effective package. We will assess the ideal coverage for your venue and provide you with an effective one-stop policy.

How much to insure my concert venue?

The price of insuring concert venues can differ significantly. The factors affecting the premium include the size of the venue, the capacity, the type of act, the venue’s condition as well as your insurance history. To keep your premiums down, brokers are the solution. NDML will assess your needs and work with you to find a suitable policy. Our aim is to allow concert hall and other venues to grow and flourish.

Work with the UK’s leading live entertainment venue insurance brokers!


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