Are Nightclubs required to have CCTV?
It is mandatory, as per the liability cover provided by insurers, that nightclubs and bars have CCTV surveillance present at all hours of the day.
Insurers will only provide cover to the nightclubs and bars that take steps to reduce the risk of losses. CCTV is specified as a condition precedent, meaning it is mandatory. A club without CCTV will be refused cover, and if CCTV placement is found to be insufficient, this can invalidate cover.
Insurers may differ on which areas of the premises need to be covered by CCTV. At NDML it is our mission to keep venues safe and financially secure, therefore we have compiled the CCTV requirements of the insurers we utilise in order to transfer the most risk-adverse guidance.

What are the CCTV regulations for Nightclubs and Bars?
CCTVs must comply with data protection law. As per Data Protection Act 2018, CCTV footage needs to be stored securely and only be accessible to authorised people.
Personal data and images need to have a valid reason to be captured, such as security, which must then be kept secure and be processed for lawful purposes.
Images must not be kept for longer than necessary. This is to obey GDPR laws. GDPR laws also stipulate that nightclubs must clearly state that CCTV is in use at the venue. Nightclubs, and all businesses, must inform people when collecting their personal information, allowing them to exercise their data protection rights. The best way to inform customers is to have signs posted all over your venue and entrances.
How long should nightclubs keep CCTV footage?
How long a nightclub or bar should keep their CCTV footage is a balance between GDPR rules and insurer requirements. Most insurers will require businesses to keep CCTV footage for at least 30 days. However check your insurance policy as some require a longer period of 60 days. – 60 days is not always compatible with some hard drive systems, so check your policy wording carefully incase you need to and make reasonable adjustments.
GDPR regulations require businesses to delete old, unused, irrelevant and out of date data. Therefore ensure you are deleting footage once its usefulness has expired.

Where do Nightclubs need to have their CCTV cameras?
The areas where nightclub premises must have CCTV surveillance include:
- Dance floor areas
- Bars and drink serving areas
- Dispensing machines
- Lobby areas and vestibules
- Areas where door security personnel are working
- Stairwells
Areas will differ depending on your insurer. A nightclub and bar should double check their obligations looking out for any unique areas that may be specified. If an incident happens in an area which is not under surveillance that should be, this could possibly result in the invalidation of cover.
Why is it important that nightclubs follow CCTV precedents?
When a claim happens, and insurers ask to review your CCTV surveillance, if you do not have adequate CCTV in operation, this could invalidate your cover.
Spurious accusations and false claims are, unfortunately, commonplace within the nightlife sector. CCTV surveillance is an excellent tool to combat this. It is recommended nightclub operators check their CCTV is in good working order every security audit. Audits are recommended to be taken every quarter.
Security audits and readily downloadable CCTV imagery are part of the working procedures nightlife businesses should have in place and be able to demonstrate to their insurers. To perform your due diligence and demonstrate your business is risk adverse, is the surest way to achieve the best premiums – alongside utilising a dedicated broker.
For a confidential review of your business that will not affect your current circumstance, and for expert guidance, talk to an NDML representative today.