2022 saw for the first time the UK hit 40C. Global warming created by humans is having a visible impact on the ambient temperature, impacting agriculture, infrastructure and the economy. It is the duty of all businesses to work toward a more sustainable everyday. Deemed “Sustainable Clubbing” – NDML want to help pubs, bars and clubs drive a positive sentiment for nightlife goers.
The hospitality sector is responsible for up to 15% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. Therefore is a huge change is required, not just form the industry and supply chain, but also from individual operators. It’s the responsibility of business owners to provide an outlet for sustainable clubbing for conscious club-goers, helping the nation as a whole move toward a net-zero future.
NDML are here to support conscious businesses that seek an economical solution and want to counteract harmful effects on the planet.
Here are 6 tips to help nightlife businesses be more sustainable:
1. Harness the energy of the dancer
A nightclub in Glasgow has launched a project to harness the body heat of gig-goers and dancers to help power the venue and minimise its carbon footprint. The technology is forecast to reduce the site’s energy usage and save around 70 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.
And Dance Cube, the current-generating dance floor, is a great example of amazing innovations. The “Energy Dance Floor” is made up of small plates, which can move slightly with every step – from the energy released, electricity is generated, which is not only used to illuminate the dance floor, but also to power up the DJ.
Could your club implement technology where you utilise the energy of your customers? If you do, we at NDML want to know!
2. Save water
Conserving water saves energy. Energy is needed to filter, heat and pump water to your premises, so reducing your water use also reduces your carbon footprint and your water bills. All pubs and clubs use water, it’s inevitable. A study suggests some venues use as much as 25,000 gallons of water a day.
Solutions include urinals without flushes, and aerators for the sinks. Repairing dripping taps could save as much as 9 litres of water a day and cisterns should be checked to ensure they are not overfilling. Taking steps to manage your water use and environmental impacts will help position your business as a socially and environmentally responsible business.
3. Go Net-Zero
Going net zero is about equilibrium; matching Green House Gas emissions and Green House Gas removals. This is not an easy task, especially for nightlife and leisure businesses. It involves calculating emission inventory over a 12-month period, and creating a climate action plan.
The Net Zero Pubs and Clubs initiative has been specifically designed to help pubs rise to this challenge with a sector approved standard and an online platform to guide you through the 4-step process.
The platform is easy to use and lays out the road for your business to go net zero. Once accomplished, it results in a credible certification which can be proudly displayed on your website or at your venue.

4. Reduce Energy Expenditure
It’s a government requirement for all energy suppliers to offer SME businesses smart meters. It is not a legal obligation to use it, however at NDML we highly recommend you do. Measuring your energy usage is the best way to see at what points of the day you are using the most electricity and where you can reduce overuse. The first step should be to create a routine where equipment is turned off when they are not in use. Check thermostats and consider reducing the ambient temperature of your venue. Even one degree will result in a significant annual saving.
Keeping the lights on in your business isn’t cheap. In fact, up to 40% of the energy your business uses could go on lighting your premises. So if you‘re smart about how you use lighting, you could make other savings here. LED lamps, such as for bar light, will generally use less energy and last longer than normal bulbs.
The kitchen also costs a significant amount in energy. Ensure certain areas of equipment are turned off. Wait until the dishwasher is full before use and make sure over doors fit tightly. Motion sensors in the kitchen, toilets and storage rooms are also key.
5. Sustainable snacks
If you run a pub or club that offers packeted snacks, consider an ethical supplier. The most ethical and sustainable crisps are those that contain only natural ingredients and limit their E-numbers. Don’t use brands which have excess packaging that can be difficult and costly to recycle.
See the Ethical Crisps Comparison for more information.
Doing the research and selecting fairtrade snacks with compostable packaging could go a long way with your customer’s conscience.
6. A Vegan Drinks Offering
Due to the negative environment impact of animal agriculture, veganism is on the up. Vegan’s purport the health benefits of their lifestyle and the importance of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Surprisingly many drinks companies use a non-vegan beer filtration product which gives beer a clear aesthetic. Fish protein and traces of milk and eggs also make their way into many wines and distilled spirits, with flavoured drinks often using a honey or cream liqueur ingredient. However most unflavoured spirits are vegan.
Most ingredients for popular cocktails are non-vegan, therefore clubs and bars should assess their cocktail menu and make adjustments where possible. Lagers such as Budweiser, Coors and Corona are vegan and can be advertised to your customer base as such.