A few weeks ago, the NDML team traveled to the Northern Restaurant and Bar Show in Manchester to meet venue owners and discuss the current state of the nighttime leisure industry.

We were joined by the NTIA, who were raising awareness for the #savenightlife campaign.
Following recent licensing changes in places like Hackney, and high profile venue closures like fabric, it’s easy to imagine that the industry as a whole would be pessimistic about the current state of affairs.
But the opposite is true.
In fact, the majority of people we spoke to were opening new venues and expanding their portfolios. They weren’t concerned about the future, but excited by it.
Yes, they acknowledged the challenges we all face, but they were all passionate about overcoming those hurdles and focusing on the huge positive benefit that nighttime leisure delivers for this country.
Times and people change, but there is still no better way to unwind and enjoy yourself, than socialising with friends at one of thousands of great British venues.
Which brings us to the big April event that’s approaching at a rate of knots: the Easter weekend.
Bank holiday weekend always brings out the best in our pubs, nightclubs, bars and restaurants, as customers flood through their doors, ready to while away hours without the concern of work the next day.
Easter weekend is one of the busiest of the year. And recent reports show that this year could be even busier, as more and more people are shunning Easter trips abroad amid Brexit uncertainty.
So why is this Easter weekend more important than any other?
2018 and the beginning of 2019 has seen huge change for nighttime leisure. The appointment of Sacha Lord as Manchester night tsar, for instance, showed political desire to make the most of nightlife in the area.
However, despite the positivity surrounding the industry at the moment, we can’t shy away from the fact that the future is uncertain. New pressures, such as the increase in PPL, mean that many smaller venues are now struggling to remain financially viable.
NDML, alongside the NTIA, will continue to campaign against those pressures. And we’ll continue to protect your venues will all our experience and expertise.
Therefore taking out proper nighttime leisure insurance is a great way to protect the future of your venue.
But the very best way to secure your future, is to do what you do best. And that involves putting on amazing entertainment and service for your customers. It involves giving your customers an experience that makes them choose your venue, and nighttime leisure as a whole, time and time again.
Easter Bank Holiday weekend attracts new visitors to your venue. And in 2019, there’s going to be more than ever before. This is your chance to turn casual revellers to repeat customers, ready for an amazing summer.